An Overview of the Pharmaceutical Chemical Industry
Over the past 30 years, the pharmaceutical chemical industry has experienced a delocalization from Europe to Asia with more than 60% of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) being currently produced in China and India.
However, increased environmental regulations have severely restricted production, creating significant strains between the rising demand (due to an increase in life expectancy and greater access to medicine) and the increasingly scarce supply.
Furthermore, due to China and India’s rapid economic growth, the demand for medicine has grown exponentially in these countries with producers focusing their efforts to satisfy this demand – further aggravating the high dependence the rest of the world has on Asian producers.
Now is an ideal opportunity for the revival of the production and development of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Europe. Amid a change in the global pharmaceutical industry, CAPITAL FARMA was founded.
Óscar Nuñez
CEO & Founder, Capital Farma